Hey MayaIndia Sweeties! Tomorrow begins the first official day of summer vacation in my world.
School will be closed for two glorious months and I get to spend lots of quiet time enjoying my own company. That's not to say I won't enjoy special family time and a vacation get away or two, but I will also have time to do whatever I want. As I get older, I'm beginning to realize I really enjoy my own company more than I ever have before. I love to read, bake, craft, work on little projects around the house and of course, create the products in the MayaIndia line. It has become very easy for me to get lost in my own thoughts while creating, especially after spending ten months each year focused intently on the thoughts and feelings of others. Although I don't consider myself much of a "nature girl," being outside and taking in the fresh air, observing the beauty all around me and just giving thanks for the opportunity to enjoy it all has become very comforting to me.
This summer, I plan to read at least six books, take a morning and/or evening walk daily, plant some pretty flowers, and ride my bicycle three times each week. Maybe you can help me reach my goals by holding me accountable. What are your summer plans? Are you comfortable being alone with yourself? If so, what do you like to do during your "me time?" I'd love to know, leave your comments below.
Until next time,
Stay Sweet.
