Hey MayaIndia Sweeties! As you know, we have been using various mediums to help the world experience the sweetness of MayaIndia. Currently, you can connect with us on
Instagram and

We have also been featured in a few articles and on some radio shows. But guess what? Soon, you will be able to view us being interviewed on a television show! Above is a picture of me during a recent interview with Percival Dyer for his new show on a cable network. Stay tuned, more details will follow! MayaIndia is committed to reaching our public by any means necessary. Therefore, no matter how shy I might be, or how uncomfortable I feel in front of the camera, I am willing to face my fears so you will have an opportunity get to know us better. I am even going to challenge myself to share a monthly video with you about new products, what's happening with your MayaIndia crew and anything else noteworthy. A few months ago, Jeff Foxx of WBLS interviewed us on his radio show. Here's a photo of Sade Maya (right) , Ayanna India (left), Jeff and me (center). We love listening to his show on the radio and he was lots of fun to talk with. Check out our

I made a promise to myself to try something new and possibly even scary, if it will help improve our connection to you. Is there anything special you'd like to see featured in a MayaIndia video? I would love to hear your thoughts. You can leave your comments below.
Until next time.
Stay Sweet!