Hey MayaIndia Sweeties! Today we celebrated Men's Day at my church. A few weeks ago, the pastor asked all of the men of the church to purchase newly printed polo shirts and wear them today. Don't they look great?

In case you've never worshipped in a Baptist church before, there's a point in the service when all visitors are invited to stand, state their name and church affiliation. Today a young man stood up and said he was Tobias Harris, visiting from Orlando, Florida. He was sitting in my row on the opposite side of the church and I observed that he was awfully tall. When the pastor announced that he plays for the Orlando Magic I thought, "Wow, no wonder he looks so tall!" Then he was asked how he found our church and he said, he found us on social media and thought he would worship with us today. Well, isn't social media grand? Although this young man is originally from Long Island, he grew up in a town about 30 minutes away from where I live and worship and he was not already familiar with my church. So he
found us on social media, traveled a half hour from his neighborhood, to worship at our church, all because he saw something he liked on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. If I had been able to forge my way through the crowd of children who were lined up to get his autograph, I would have certainly asked Tobias what it was, specifically, that intrigued him enough about our church that he felt compelled to visit today. Alas, I doubt I will ever know, but it certainly confirms the fact that social media done right, provides a powerful marketing tool.
By the way, just in case you're not a basketball fan, Tobias Harris is a power forward for the Orlando Magic. I learned that he attended the same high school my daughter is currently attending during his junior year. I also want to note that he was very humble and gracious and took lots of photos with the children and adult worshippers this morning.

Until next time,
Stay Sweet!