Hey MayaIndia Sweeties! On this Father's Day, I am dedicating this post to the first man I ever loved.

I think I grew up believing that my father was the only person on earth who understood me. He was always patient, caring and he loved to teach me new things. Being the oldest child, I was his shadow for quite a few years (until my brother came along!) My Dad taught me how to plant flowers in the garden, fix my bicycle chain when it came off, use a hammer, wrench, pliers and various screwdrivers- all at pretty young age.
When I was 13, I got a beautiful Victorian dollhouse for Christmas that needed to be assembled. Every evening after he returned home from work, Dad and I would work on the dollhouse. He taught me how to follow the complicated instructions to build the house before we painted it. He patiently showed me how to assemble the furniture also. We spent hours sanding and staining the pieces before carefully gluing them together. When it was completed, the dollhouse was absolutely beautiful! More important than the dollhouse itself was the time spent bonding with my father. I will always cherish those memories. Now I create great gifts for him that he can enjoy from the MayaIndia Collection. Here is our Father's Day promotion, and of course Dad gets one too!

After we lost my Mom, I felt an urge to become Dad's protector. It was a strange role reversal, because he was there for me no matter what the circumstance. It's been almost two years and I still call him at least three times week and insist he informs me when he's going out of town. Someone tried to tease me once, saying I was such a "Daddy's girl," i just smiled and nodded. Yes, I am a Daddy's girl, a title I proudly accept. Happy Father's Day to my Dad and all of the other wonderful fathers who have positively influenced a child. Feel free to share a special memory of your father with us!

Until next time,
Stay Sweet!