Hey MayaIndia Sweeties! Today I spent some time reflecting on the message I received in Sunday service yesterday.

The pastor spoke about the horrific massacre of 9 members of the Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina last week (more about this topic another day). He also spoke about Rachel Dolezar, a Caucasian woman who has been masquerading as an African American woman for several years. For weeks, her story has been unfolding and the more details I heard, the more I began to ask myself why some people are so unhappy with who they are. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not upset that Rachel wants to be an African American woman because, frankly, I LOVE being an African American woman. I do think it is wrong, however, to mislead people and misrepresent yourself while seeking employment, leading organizations, receiving recognition as a public figure, etc. Unfortunately, Rachel thought that a hair style and good tan would propel her into the race of her choice, but that was very dishonest. I wonder if Rachel knew the actual history of the NAACP and that it was founded by many white abolitionists along with some black people. I think she could have accomplished the same goals as an honest Caucasian woman that she did as someone perpetrating as an African American woman.

I also wonder if she knows the power of I AM. These two words, and what you choose to follow them are extremely important and powerful. Joel Osteen says whatever you say after I AM will come looking for you, so you must make it a positive statement. Here are some examples of the I AM statements I like to say:
I AM Strong.
I AM Victorious.
I AM Blessed.
I AM Creative.
I AM Prosperous.
I AM Healthy.
I AM Surrounded by God's favor.
I pray Rachel figures out who she is and then begins the work of acceptance. She probably has a good soul, she was just focused on the outside instead of the inside. I believe that God made us all in His image. He hand picked every characteristic we have and gave us certain gifts. For us to reject HIS individualized design that was chosen just for us is just plain disrespectful.
Until next time,
Stay Sweet!