Hey there MayaIndia Sweeties! It's been awhile since I've posted and I'm attempting to get back on track! I want to tell you about a wonderful evening Sade Maya and I spent with some phenomenal business women. We had dinner with the lovely ladies of LBU.
LBU, also known as Lucky Break University, is the led by none other than the awe inspiring Lela Barker. This woman has been single handedly transforming the lives and businesses of women all over the world! (No really, she has). Her wisdom, experience and willingness to share, guide and offer gentle kicks in the pants have been instrumental in helping women build their empires with confidence and loads of new found business savvy.
The other ladies present at this dinner soiree are doing big things as well. I had a chance to talk shop with Lynn Elko of Emma's Friends Soaps and Lotions. She makes great products and we talked a little about business, but, as moms, we were also chatting it up about her sweet daughter, Emma, and how our children seem to grow so fast. We were trying to make sense of the fact that Emma is officially a teenager (Woo Hoo!) I also learned that Lynn is from the same town my Mom grew up in, Wilkes Barre, Pa.! Such a small world!
Lisa Buteaux of Comfort and Joy Soap Co. was there as well, and let me tell you, she has some beautiful handmade creations. She talked about being in business for herself and how isolated one can feel when you don't know other makers in your area. Clearly that's not stopping her from cranking out some absolute beauties- check out her website and you'll see what I mean!
A sweet lady carrying an equally sweet little baby named Milo also joined us. Her name is April May and her business is called Everything Little Miss. She makes stationery and all I can say is you need to see her work to believe it. So fun, so cute, and so I WANT IT ALL!! I suppose it's safe to admit that I was once a paper junkie. Before the days of email and text messaging, I lived in a stationery store in my area called World Imports and every week I bought beautiful stationery with matching envelopes. I had lots of cousins and pen pals I wrote to regularly and ALWAYS sent letters on pretty paper- NEVER loose leaf!! There's a little known fact about me :) Anyway, check out April's site and see if you don't have a hard time controlling yourself when you view her collection.
Of course, I love meeting with women entrepreneurs and brainstorming ways to improve our businesses as well as just enjoying their company in a social setting. But do you know what I love even more? Exposing my daughters to these events so they become more comfortable with how thing work and what business looks like behind the scenes. Networking is such an important aspect of any business and when women work together and support one another, everyone wins.
Until next time,
Stay sweet!
