Hey MayaIndia Sweeties!
Your MayaIndia Crew was busy during the Memorial Day weekend at a 3-day African Street Festival sponsored by the Brooklyn Academy of the Arts (BAM).

This was my first time participating in this event as a vendor and it was a beautiful weekend full of music, art and LOTS of food! I always enjoy seeing old friends and meeting new ones and this event did not disappoint.
Some of the hot products most loved by our customers this weekend were our Body Frosting, Bath Syrup, Shampoo Bars and, as always, our Handmade Soaps.

I was so excited to see several members of my beloved sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, and many of them stopped by to say hello, take a picture and support my table. I met sorority sisters from as far away as Washington D.C, Virginia and Florida.

On the last day of the festival, I was introduced to Mr. Chuck Davis, the founder of Dance Africa. I wasn't able to snap his picture, but he gave me a warm hug and thanked me for participating as a vendor. I also received a visit from an old friend who is an accomplished poet, artist and all around good person. I know him as D-Cross. Here we are pictured with his lovely wife, Zakeia, and their daughter.

Over the next 12 months, there are plans to move MayaIndia in the direction of product placement in existing retail establishments and less vending activity. Although there are certain events we participate in annually that we hope to continue to attend, I believe we can better serve our customers by making our products readily available in the community while increasing our web presence. I love the face to face contact with old and new customers. I love telling our story and hearing what our customers have to say about our products. We look forward to finding a balance that allow us to still enjoy that interaction while we continue to grow.
Until next time,
Stay sweet!